Vulnerable customer support

Additional support

It’s important that all our customers are treated with care and respect and have a fair and reasonable opportunity to access the services that we provide.

We know that some of our customers will have personal circumstances that could make it harder for them to access our services. These circumstances can vary and can be short term or ongoing, but vulnerability factors might include one or a combination of the following: 

  • A physical health condition or disability – visually impaired, hard of hearing/deaf, chronic or acute health issue or vision or hearing impairment 
  • A mental health condition or disability - such as autism spectrum disorder, a cognitive impairment or other mental health disorder
  • Language barriers – where customers don’t speak English or have limited understanding of English  
  • Age related issues – ranging from lack of access or familiarity with technology to Dementia or Alzheimer’s 
  • Other situational factors such as financial hardship, relationship breakdowns or other intense periods of personal stress.

We believe that every individual is different and has different circumstances. This means that as much as possible, we will respond to you as an individual in a way that is appropriate to your needs. Our customer-facing teams are trained to be aware of and respond appropriately to situations of customer vulnerability.

We take any complaint about treatment of our customers seriously and any such complaint will be investigated fully in accordance with our complaints process.

How we provide additional support and assistance

Let us know

If you feel that you, or someone that you represent, are in need of additional support, you can let us know by completing our contact us form and choosing the Additional Support for Vulnerability option or calling us on 0800 800 836.

If you are currently undergoing a period of financial hardship, make sure you read our financial hardship support that we offer and then contact our team on 0800 800 836.

We will always treat your information with respect and will only use this type of information to offer any additional support you might need.

Our Support Options

We’re here to ensure that we deliver fair outcomes throughout our interactions with you. It’s important to us that there are no barriers to you accessing our products and services. As every situation is different, there is no single approach that can fit all circumstances, however, examples of where we can offer support are as follows:

Authorised caller

Authorised caller

You can nominate an authorised caller who can assist with managing your policy and accessing treatment. This person is usually a family member, but can also be an independent financial adviser or other trusted person.

Downgrade your policy

Downgrade your policy

If you, or the person you represent, are experiencing financial hardship as a result of your vulnerability or otherwise, you can contact us to downgrade your policy. There are further terms and conditions that will be explained when you contact us.

We continue to review our support options

There are many factors that contribute to situations of vulnerability, and we understand that our support options will not cover all the issues that our customers face. Our products and services will change over time, as will the needs of the customers that we serve – and we will continue to evolve our culture of care and support.

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